Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Leader

And so I was reading thru some Daily Devotions while i was checking thru my mailbox. And i found this mail that really inspired me with the title "The Actions and Attributes of a Leader" . Wuaaa... sounds cool. ^^ And i'm gonna share with you guys..... have a peek...

What are the actions and attributes of a leader? What is it that makes him different from others?
  1. A leader is always full of praise. =D
  2. A leader learns to use the phrases "thank you" and "please" on his way to the top.
  3. A leader is always growing. *not only physically XP
  4. A leader is possessed with his dreams.
  5. A leader launches forth before success is certain.
  6. A leader is not afraid of confrontation.
  7. A leader talks about his own mistakes before talking about someone else's.
  8. A leader is a person of honesty and integrity.
  9. A leader has a good name. @@" is Joey a good name?
  10. A leader makes others better. =)
  11. A leader is quick to praise and encourage the smallest amount of improvement.
  12. A leader is genuinely interested in others. yeapss..
  13. A leader looks for opportunities to find someone doing something right.
  14. A leader takes others up with him.
  15. A leader responds to his own failures and acknowledges them before others have to discover and reveal them.
  16. A leader never allows murmuring—from himself or others. yes!!
  17. A leader is specific in what he expects.
  18. A leader holds accountable those who work with him. my brethrens =)
  19. A leader does what is right rather than what is popular.
  20. A leader is a servant. *amen
A leader is a lion, not a sheep.

Lion : RAWRRRR!!!!!! I'm a leader!!! XO

and i like this,

"An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep."
- Old Arab Proverb

hmmmm... i shall be the lion that looks after its sheeps........
"For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
- 1 Samuel 16:7

Indeed.. Leader is not about the appearance. It's not about how great, how talented or how knowledgable he is. Not even how rich he is. But a Heart of a Servant. Obedience towards Him who called us to LOVE Him and LOVE His creations - people.

"As the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”


  1. Woohoo~
    Nice post joey, keep it up XD
    my leader, my brother, my friend!

  2. hey bro.. thanx for reading!!

    hope that i'm in those 20 attributes and characters... =)

  3. nodding head* nice post leader :)

  4. wua... ng gam ng gam... u r boss =)

    still learning to blog...... /-_\\\
